Few months passed since this photo/video shoot. Behind it all my studio: The Good Life Studio. A tough day of work that started early morning and finished late evening. We had many locations to cover all around Turin and all of them had to be in perfect light condition for both photo and video. So we had to be fast and effective in every spot and quickly reach the next one. Never an easy task, we always have to be focused and well organised, the key is to blend both still and moving pictures visions together. That means to always work as a team, there is no place for “prima donnas”and even if we are working to deliver two different products we always have to behave as one single entity. That has always been the “super power” that bound us together since day one. Ok enough with the self-flattering: down here is a very nice selection of backstage photos taken by my assistent Davide Menarello, enjoy!

Some of my favourite shots from the campaign.
Do you want more? There you go: here is the final campaign video directed by Alberto, videographed by Gianfranco.
Thank you notes
I would like to thank first and foremost my studio “The Good Life Studio” for putting 1000% in every job, never thankful enough: started from the bottom, now we here. Next in line is the amazing group of people that gave us the chance to produce such great visuals for Zignone, that would be Barbara and Alessandro at the agency Bellissimo, thank you so much guys. Lanificio Zignone who entrusted us with the difficult task to translate their vision, their passion and their heritage trough our style and language.
That’s all for today folks, talk to you soon! Be humble, love and respect.