1973 Porsche 911 2.7 RS Touring


Getting to shoot a 1973 Porsche 911 2.7 RS Touring, an era defining masterpiece as my first assignment of the year had my head spinning…




Getting to shoot a 1973 Porsche 911 2.7 RS Touring, an era defining masterpiece as my first assignment of the year had my head spinning, making me wonder what else could this amazing new year had to offer. Two thousand and twenty, my 40 years old 12 months adventure had started in the best way possible, I was ready to give it all, I wanted every day to count, I wanted it to be a year to be remembered as the most productive yet. Well, little did I know, a super tiny virus had other plans for me, and I guess all of us.





The fact that I have more time on my hands doesn't help at all, the more time I have the more I waste. It is just the way I function.


So here I am, looking myself at the mirror and planning my next weird "Lock Down haircut" feeling all of a sudden older, yet wiser. Trying carefully to play my next move in this weird, new, "intensive media care", professional life we are living.

The fact that I have more time on my hands doesn't help at all, the more time I have the more I waste. It is just the way I function. Give me an impossible task to accomplish in a frightening short amount of time. I'll be looking very seriously straight in your eyes, sipping whatever drink I have in my hands (preferably beer), saying: "I might actually pull that off".

And let me tell you, I do most of the times. But now, now it's like living inside a fish tank, anytime you feel that your creative mind is going places you hit that glass, realising you are stuck in that thick water.


But hey, here is one of the positive side of being stuck at home: having that bloody time we are so desperate for, using it to work on my website and journal, and dropping a few lines to you people. Or at least to the few that will read these journal.

Words have never been so wrong to wrap up a selection of car portraits, but hey that's how I feel right now, and that's what you get. I Hope you will enjoy these photographs, taken in a very short amount of time, in a freezing cold night in Milan just after the Christmas holiday break. As I said before, the more difficult the assignment, the better result.


“But now, now it's like living inside a fish tank, anytime you feel that your creative mind is going places you hit that glass, realising you are stuck in that thick water.”



Thank you so much to Kidston Motor Cars for choosing me to portray such marvellous sport car.


Stay safe.

Stay Home

Love and respect,
